Dr Beall has a deep love for veterinary behavior and enjoys working with clients in their home to investigate and treat behavior concerns through veterinary behavior medicine. Veterinary behavior medicine offers a unique and scientifically based approach to addressing behavior problem. Dr. Beall uses a scientific approach to understand the mechanisms underlying animal behavior. This approach allows us her deliver an effective and humane behavior treatment.
A behavior consultation with Dr. Beall offers a detailed and thorough investigation and treatment that typically lasts about 3 hours. During a consultation Dr. Beall will thoroughly discuss a patient's history, investigate a behavior profile and further investigate any pertinent medical problems or history that may be linked to the behavior problem. A thorough discussion of your pet’s diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment options will be included. Treatment plans include safety and behavior management, veterinary interventions and, when appropriate, medication therapy recommendations.
Dr. Beall offers behavior consultations to patients outside of her general practice throughout Seattle. Most follow up is carried out via email and occasional recheck visits. She coordinates her behavior patients care and treatment with their regular primary care veterinarian. All follow up exams and diagnostics are carried out with a patient's primary care veterinarian.
The one exception to Dr. Beall's service area is special behavior consultation services where Dr. Beall expands her service area to encompass most of the Seattle area for this special service. The initial consultation appointment lasts about 2-3 hours and focuses on a behavior specific diagnosis and veterinary treatment plan. After the initial consultation, follow up is provided via email, in person, virtually and through support of your primary care veterinarian and approved scientifically based trainers. Most behavior patients will continue their primary veterinary care with their regular veterinarian. All follow up medical diagnostics and exams should be done through their regular veterinarian.
INITIAL BEHAVIOR CONSULTATION FEE: canine and feline -$385-500
Dr. Beall's behavior consultations are offered in the Seattle area.